After playing around a bit, I realized I needed a package manager to do some basic stuff. I was specifically interested in getting mdns (avahi) up and running so that network device management could be performed more intuitively by name without fumbling with a dns server. I initially found a KanKun Manager project on GitHub which could be used to install the package manager, but found myself installing dependencies and hacking scripts to get it to work properly (credit is given to the author for providing the usable package below). Here are the steps involved with installing opkg (using a mac):

  1. Download the re-hosted package here
  2. Copy the file over to the KanKun using the following command, while entering the necessary passwords

    sudo scp <location_of_opkg> root@<kankun_ip_address>:/tmp/

    Note 1: scp was used since rsync is unavailable on the target system.

    Note 2: At this point I should mention that df can be used to query the available system storage. By locating temporary files in /tmp we wont eat at the main root filesystem where executables will be installed. It is also worth mentioning that upon reboot, /tmp is cleared so make sure you have a backup of whatever you put there.

  3. ssh into the device and un-tar the file

    cd /tmp
    tar -xzf opkg-rc3.tar.gz && cd opkg-rc3
  4. Move the contents to the appropriate location

    mv bin/opkg-rc3 /bin
    mv etc/opkg.conf /etc
    opkg update
  5. Happy installing! More info about opkg can be found on the OpenWrt site.